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Eminence, the emeritis cardinal archbishop of HGN

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Benedict Loses His Inflatability

Father Lobardi has been busy lately explaining that Pope Benedict will lose his powers of infallibility when he leaves office.

Benedict Infallible No Longer

The cardinal electors are lobbying to speed up the process to elect a new pope. Could they be worried that a long inter-regnum could leave the faithful adrift for too long?  Too many gay marriages happening. Couples making up their own minds about family planning. Who knows what else these men fear. It sounds like Benedict could not even figure it out.

Cardinals Speed Up Election

1 comment:

  1. What kind of priest do you call yourself .Sir thats the kind of carricature that you expect to see from those outsiders puting the verbal boot into a man who is no longer able to defend himself.Also where is your respect-if not as a so called progressive priest(what ever that is)at least as achristian.Also when did homosexuals EVER bother with what The Catholic Church thinks about homosexual marriage.(what ever that is).


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