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Eminence, the emeritis cardinal archbishop of HGN

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Is That A Dollar Sign On Cardinal Dolan's Chasuable?

Picture credit: Photo: Cardinal "G.O.P." Dolan "...was blind but now I...uh...I'm still blind." from

"Outmarketed" on gay marriage! Those are the cardinal's words. It seems they are a rather unfortunate choice of words. Here is a supposed religious leader, Dolan, hawking moral values using capitalistic language. I appreciate Bill Lidsey at Bilgrimage for taking up this discussion about being "outmarkedted" and the many wonderful comments that follow.
Bill Lindsey's Bilgrimage Blog On The Money and Dolan

Dolan is doing this after the new pope, Francis, has just released one of the first letters of his papacy criticizing capitalism.
Pope Francis -- Evengelii Gaudium

Not only are Pope Francis' statements about capitalism an affront to Cardinal Dolan's vision of went wrong with his anti-equality crusade,  now there are reports that Pope Francis leaves the Vatican at night to go out to visit with the homeless in Rome.
Pope Francis really meets with and knows the poor...

I will not expect Cardinal Dolan to go out and spend a night on the streets with the homeless of New York. Rather I'd just like for him to meet with a group or even groups of gay and lesbian people. I want Dolan to meet with at least one gay couple, maybe a couple who have been married for years.

It Seems to me, Dolan and his capitalist language and opposition to gay marriage always, always reduce gay and lesbian people and their relationships to an object. It's easier to hate an object. Has Cardinal Dolan ever met, well has he ever gone out on the street to meet gay and lesbian people?

If Pope Francis can leave the Vatican going out and sitting with being with the homeless of Rome, what would keep Cardinal Dolan from talking with and visiting a gay or lesbian couple? If Cardinal Dolan would meet with real gay, lesbian, transgender-ed, even queer people or just  a committed gay or lesbian couple, he might not be so quick, to reduce them to a dollar sign.